Affiliates & Partners


Our program is free to join & it’s easy to sign-up. Affiliate programs are common throughout the Internet and offer website owners an additional way to profit from their websites. Affiliates generate traffic and sales for commercial websites and in return receive a commission payment.

How Does It Work?
When you join our affiliate program, you will be supplied with a range of banners and textual links that you place within your site. When a user clicks on one of your links, they will be brought to our website and their activity will be tracked by our affiliate software. You will earn a commission based on your commission type.

Real-Time Statistics and Reporting!
You can login 24 hours a day to check your sales & account balance.


Just add the sample code that we provide to your website, email blasts and any other marketing that you like. Once someone purchases anything on our website, your account will be credited 15% of the total of that order.
Once the commissions reach 50.00, then we will send you payment via check or PayPal. You decide.

Still have questions? Click here to Contact Our Sales Department.



Interested in Partnering with After Dark Grafx? Fill out the form below to begin the process.


After Dark Grafx partnerships work in many different ways:

  • If you would like us to act as an invisible extension of your business for creating graphics or maintaining websites, etc. Your clients will never know that we exist!
    You maintain the client control while we perform the necessary services.
  • Offer your clients a Value Added Service and offer After Dark Grafx Services and pass on discounted rates that we provide to you to offer your clients.
  • Bulk Media Buys. Interested in advertising on TV, Radio or Print and do not have the funds to do so yourself? Contact After Dark Grafx for a potential CO-OP media buy to include our company and potentially some of
    our partners. *restrictions apply, not available in all states*


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