Kingfisher Woodworks – Shopify Setup, Design & Integration June 25, 2019at 22:22 pm By: James Byrne After Dark Grafx After Dark Grafx announces the launch of ! After Dark Grafx offered a simple design approach to emulate but not copy the previous website. They setup and integrated Shopify payments, Shopify shipping and offered a Custom Shopify Development and coding solution to optimize our product pages. Kingfisher Woodworks initially contacted After Dark Grafx to consult on their existing Miva Merchant Website. After discussing the pros and cons of each platform, billing methods as well as ease of integration with other apps and systems, we chose to move and re-build the entire website into the Shopify Platform. Kingfisher was able to easily add, reorganize and update their custom-made wooden swords for Japanese Martial Arts product line after a short phone and screen share consultation. “After Dark Grafx is a Shopify Setup Expert that was able to quickly integrate and setup our Shopify Store. They offered valuable insight on which free and paid Shopify apps to use. They used their custom Shopify Development skills to customize our product pages. We have over 1200 inscriptions that can be added to our wooden swords with a simple to use interface for our customers. They built a custom Shopify solution for use while utilizing one of the paid options apps to achieve what we needed for our product pages. Awesome! With a simple, short, online consultation we were able to understand how the order and shipping process worked very quickly with Shopify’s simple interface.” We appreciate you choosing After Dark Grafx to design and develop your new Shopify website. Visit them today at: