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How Much Does PCI DSS Compliance Cost with After Dark Grafx? Typical costs start at $250, however, After Dark Grafx charges hourly based on your needs. We must first start with an assessment. In most cases, you will send us access to your online scanner with one of the major PCI Compliance Website Scanning Services like Security Metrics, Trustwave, Clover, etc. We will login and review what is needed. Typically, you will need a manual attestation of filling our a technical questionnaire related to your website and systems for your credit card processing. We would then need to run a manual scan of the network and then fix any errors that may arise. In some cases, the SSL (digital security certificate) would need to be upgraded or the website itself needs security upgrades or plugin upgrades, etc. Each organization’s needs are different. We work with most PCI Compliance scanning services but contact us first. See below other questions about PCI Compliance.
Is your merchant account company bothering you about PCI Compliance or charging you a monthly fee because you are not PCI Compliant?
We can help with PCI Compliance in the following ways:
PCI Compliance Companies:
Contact Us Today Toll Free for a No Obligation Quote 1-888-578-8300 or in San Diego (619) 702-7377
How long does it take to become PCI Compliant? It depends on several factors. What are your processes. Where is your website hosted and is it performing credit card transactions? What software are you using internally to process credit card data. It can take several days to weeks in some cases.
Who does PCI DSS apply to? – Organizations that accept payments via Credit Cards – Organizations that transmit or store credit card holder data – Any Organization that has process, unsecure servers and software and lax policies that could impact the security of cardholder data – Software manufacturers and developers of applications and devices used in credit card transactions
Will you make my business completely PCI Compliant? No. We only offer PCI Compliance for your website. If you are in need of internal software or process compliance, it is best to contact your existing merchant provider for a referral.
What are some PCI Core Standards? – To build and maintain a secure network (ensure latest security is installed on website) – To Protect cardholder data (lock down and protect card holder data) – To Maintain a vulnerability management process program (written policies and procedures) – To Implement strong access control measures (who has access to what systems and are they secure) – Regularly monitor and test networks (both online and offline) – Maintain an information security policy (written policies on security) – Publish, train, and maintain PCI DSS guidelines(train internal staff as well as PCI Compliance Manger on latest compliance)
How Much Does PCI DSS Compliance Cost? PCI DSS compliance certification costs between $50,000 to $200,000 for a large organizations to get a RoC (Report on Compliance). A small organization could incur between $5,000 to $20,000 for processing fewer than 1 million card transactions per year.
Do you offer monthly PCI Compliance Assistance? Yes. Typically, once you are compliant, you will just need us to login and update the attestation questionnaire as well as perform new scans and fix whatever needs updating at that point.
WIKIPEDIA ON PCI COMPLIANCE: The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is an information security standard for organizations that handle branded credit cards from the major card schemes.
The PCI Standard is mandated by the card brands and administered by the Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council. The standard was created to increase controls around cardholder data to reduce credit card fraud. Validation of compliance is performed annually or quarterly,[1] either by an external Qualified Security Assessor (QSA) or by a firm specific Internal Security Assessor (ISA) that creates a Report on Compliance for organizations handling large volumes of transactions, or by Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) for companies handling smaller volumes.[2][promotional source?][3]
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