Mobile App Designer
Looking for a Mobile App Designer or Developer for iPhone or Android Devices?
After Dark Grafx builds apps for both iPhone (iOS) and Android Devices. Mobile App Design is different than Website Design or E-Commerce Web Design as the design focuses on the target device (iPhone, iPad, Android Phone, Tablet) while keeping the user experience in mind.
We will first do a simple discovery meeting and focus on what the app is to do as per terms of functionality. We will then focus on the design elements. On the smaller devices, you have less space so the graphic elements are important, while on larger devices like iPads or Tablets you have more real estate to show graphics, enhances buttons and more.
We usually start with and focus on an iOS app but we will create a custom mobile app based on your requirements.
We make the process painless and keep you away from all of the “tech-stuff”. There are many steps in creating a successful app, from framework designs and idea, to implementation, user experience, in-app purchases (if applicable), upgrade releases and scalability, to submitting your app to the Apple Store or app to the Google Store.
Mobile apps range in cost and ability. There are several types of apps. Native Apps, Hyrbid Apps and Web-Based Only Apps.
Questions? Contact Us Today!
Call Toll Free 1-888-578-8300 or (619) 702-7377